These are Plumbing Companies that are registered with Area II Plumbers JATC. While working as an apprentice you may only work for one of these companies.
See what current and past apprentices have to say about Area II Plumbers JATC, apprenticeship program.
Apprentice Resources.
Purchase training materials and continued training.

Training material

Learn how to obtain training material.
Important Information regarding the program.


We’ve got You Covered


Our program offers an exciting path to a rewarding career that is and will continue to be in high demand!

Job Placement Assistance

By working closely with our partners we can aid you in finding employment during and after your apprenticeship!

Continued Education

We offer continuing education to aid those who are reknewing their licenses or just want to brush up on various subjects!

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1995 16th Street NE Ste. 105
Salem, OR 97301